Specialist High Skills Major Programs

What is Specialist High Skills Major program?

The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program is a ministry-approved specialized program that allows students to focus their learning on a specific economic sector while meeting the requirements to graduate from secondary school. It also assists in their transition after graduation to apprenticeship training, college, university or the workplace. Each Specialist High Skills Major is a bundle of 8 to 10 courses within a selected field/sector completed in grades 11 and 12. Students choosing a SHSM program learn on the job with employers as well as in school, earning valuable industry certification and training related to their chosen sector.

Click here for the Aldershot SHSM Presentation

For more information, review the slide deck or reach out to the school.

SHSM PRograms offered at Aldershot

We offer Specialist High Skills Major programs in the following FOUR sectors: