health & physical education
Aldershot School offers an excellent and comprehensive Health & Physical Education (HPE) program filled with rewarding, relevant, and varied opportunities for students. The ALD HPE staff firmly believe that there is no better way to get through the school day than by participating actively in a variety of games in the gymnasium, and we are committed to making these courses a fun and rewarding experience for all students. We look forward to getting to know our students and learning more about the kinds of activities they are most interested in doing in our courses.
Active Participation
Active participation in physical education class includes traditional & non-traditional games, fitness activities, and outdoor pursuits. These opportunities for students help to develop the skills and confidence necessary to be independently physically active and make positive decisions regarding personal fitness and the value of physical activity in their daily lives.
Students’ active participation in ALD HPE classes is essential to their success in the course.
In order to maximize participation in ALD HPE classes, it’s important to arrive to class everyday ready to move:
Students must wear appropriate attire for safe & active participation (athletic T-shirt, shorts/track pants) and running shoes that provide good support and traction. It is expected that students attend every class fully changed and prepared for both indoor and outdoor activities; athletic layering is strongly recommended. Proper attire is an important part of their physical education program as it provides structure and safety to the class and aids in proper hygiene.
No jewelry (necklaces, earrings, etc.) may be worn. Jewelry that cannot be removed, must be taped or covered. Long hair must be tied back.
No headphones / ear buds / airpods are to be worn in the gymnasium.
Students that have emergency medications (i.e. asthma inhalers, epinephrine injector, insulin) must bring those medications to all curricular and co-curricular physical activities and inform their teacher/coach of where it will be located and when the student administers their medication.
Thank you for leaving all valuables at home as we cannot be responsible for any missing/lost items.
In the interest of safety and physical education classes, we strongly recommend:
Students have an annual medical examination.
Students remove eyeglasses during physical education classes and wear contacts. If eyeglasses cannot be removed, students should wear an eyeglass strap or shatterproof lenses.
Students wear/apply environmental protection for all our outdoor activities (sunscreen, insect repellent, proper outdoor clothing, etc).
Students bring their own labeled water bottle.
Lions Athletics
We firmly believe extra-curriculars to be an integral part of the high school experience as it not only allows your child to develop athletically and forge friendships, but provides an opportunity for students to become entrenched in the Aldershot culture that truly is second to none. It is through these experiences in sport that students are able to grow, mature and develop many of the necessary skills required for lifelong success.
Aldershot has many opportunities for every student and we strongly encourage your child to get involved.
Please visit this page for more information.