News & Upcoming Events



As of February 13th, 2025, students who do not have an up-to-date immunization record or a valid vaccine exemption on file with Public Health, will receive an Order for Suspension from Attendance at School.

To avoid school suspension on February 13, 2025, parents/guardians and students who receive a Suspension Order from Public Health must complete the following actions:

Walk-In Clinics Information

Please direct parents to call 311 or go to to book an appointment (subject to availability) or for more information.

Clinic availability can change rapidly, however, as of January 22, we have clinic spots open at our Halton Regional Center location (1151 Bronte Road) February 6, 7, 10, 11, and 12.


There will be an opportunity for walk-in appointments at the Milton (Sherwood Community Centre, 6355 Main St W, Milton) location on February 13 and at the Oakville (Halton Regional Centre, 1151 Bronte Road) location on February 13 & February 14.

Families can also seek vaccination at their Health Care Provider office. They would just need to report those vaccines at once completed.

Visit for more information. Thank you for your continued support to keep our community safe and healthy. 

mental health & well-being information sessions

The HDSB has announced additional Mental Health & Well-Being Information Sessions for parents/guardians this Winter and Spring.   Each session will be led by a mental health expert in that area who will share their knowledge and provide helpful information and resources. 

The upcoming sessions include: 

Monday, February 24 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday, March 4 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday, March 18 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday, March 25 from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Families and staff can learn more about the sessions available by visiting our Mental Health & Well-Being Information Sessions webpage and register online by completing the registration form. 

Sessions will be held on Google Meet, where closed captioning is available in various languages. Registrants will be emailed a link to access the session. Questions can be submitted when completing the registration form or during the session. Sessions will not be recorded. 

After School Virtual Groups for Elementary Students (Student Well-Being) 

The HDSB is offering four psychoeducational groups for students in Grade 3 to 8 who would like to develop skills for managing stress and worry, learn about thoughts, actions and behaviours and enhance their well-being. This program is based on the TRAILS for Wellness curriculum and principles from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). Led by HDSB Child and Youth Counsellors, the sessions will be held on Google Meet on Tuesdays or Wednesdays from February 17 until April 11.  

To register for these programs, parents/guardians must complete the Registration Form by Tuesday, February 11 and request which group the student would like to attend. If the student is available for both Tuesday and Wednesday, you may choose both options. After registration, a Child and Youth Counsellor will contact families to schedule an intake session. Spots are limited and final time slots will be confirmed based on registration numbers. 

Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®)

The HDSB invites Grade 9 and 10 students to participate in a modified version of the Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills (PEERS®), an evidence-based social skills program designed to help students make and maintain friendships. PEERS® uses video modelling, games and social coaching to help students build friendships and learn how to start/end conversations, choose friends, handle disagreements and navigate social events. The program will be available in person at select schools (based on demand) and virtually after school. Students in Grade 9 to 12 at Milton District High School are also eligible to participate.

The in-person sessions, led by HDSB Child and Youth Counsellors (CYCs), will run weekly from Monday, March 17 until the week of April 28.  Specific days, times and locations will be provided at a later date. 

Virtual sessions will take place Tuesdays and Wednesdays from Februry 18 to April 9 via Google Meet. Those interested are invited to complete a Referral Form by February 11, 2025 to schedule an intake call. If the program reaches capacity and a spot is unavailable, you will be notified and placed on the waitlist.

Gathering Student Voices on Antisemitism

Dear HDSB secondary students,

The HDSB values student voice and is committed to creating safe, inclusive and welcoming learning environments for every student. To gather student insight into the HDSB’s response to incidents of antisemitism, we are conducting virtual focus groups with secondary students (Grade 9-12) in February. Information gathered through this research will help us to evaluate the effectiveness of current policies and tools in addressing incidents of antisemitism within HDSB schools.

Participation in the focus groups is voluntary. The focus area of these sessions was chosen based on community voice/feedback and identified needs of the HDSB.

Students who are interested in participating can complete the Registration Form by Friday, Jan. 31 by 4 p.m. Students will need to log in to their HDSB account to complete the Google Form. Students can choose one of two available sessions based on their preferred date:

These sessions will be facilitated by HDSB staff in the Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion Department, staff from the Research Department and community partners. Students requiring support will be connected with their school social worker and community organizations. 

When registering, students will be asked to provide an HDSB email account. Students will be emailed a link to a Google Meet for their selected focus group 24 hours before the session. 

The information gathered through these focus groups will help us fulfill our commitments to Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion, Mental Health and Well-Being and Kindness, Connection and Community, as outlined in the 2024-2028 Multi-Year Strategic Plan. The insights provided will be instrumental as we evaluate the effectiveness of current tools and strategies and identify areas for improvement to create safe and caring learning spaces for all. The information gathered will be compiled into a series of reports that will be shared beginning in the Spring through June 2025.

If you have any questions about these sessions, please contact the Research & Accessibility Department at

Thank you for your continued partnership in helping us create safe and welcoming schools where every student feels a genuine sense of belonging.

Gathering Student Voices on Anti-Palestinian Racism, Anti-Arab Racism and Islamophobia

Dear HDSB secondary students,

The HDSB values student voice and is committed to creating safe, inclusive and welcoming learning environments for every student. To gather student insight into the HDSB’s response to incidents of anti-Palestinian racism, anti-Arab racism and Islamophobia, we are conducting virtual focus groups with secondary students (Grade 9-12) in February. Information gathered through this research will help us to evaluate the effectiveness of current policies and tools in addressing these incidents within HDSB schools.

Participation is voluntary and students are invited to register for the session(s) that best aligns with the specific focus they would like to discuss. Sessions will be held on two separate dates for each area of focus to allow students to choose the option that works best for them. These focus areas were chosen based on community voice/feedback and identified needs of the HDSB. 

Students who are interested in participating can complete the Registration Form by Friday, January 31 by 4:00 p.m. Students will need to log in to their HDSB account to complete the Google Form. If you would like to participate in multiple focus groups, please resubmit the form for each group you would like to attend.

These sessions will be facilitated by HDSB staff in the Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion Department, staff from the Research Department and community partners. Students requiring support will be connected with their school social worker and community organizations. 

When registering, students will be asked to provide an HDSB email account. Students will be emailed a link to a Google Meet for their selected focus group 24 hours before the session. 

The information gathered through these focus groups will help us fulfill our commitments to Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion, Mental Health and Well-Being and Kindness, Connection and Community, as outlined in the 2024-2028 Multi-Year Strategic Plan. The insights provided will be instrumental as we evaluate the effectiveness of current tools and strategies and identify areas for improvement to create safe and caring learning spaces for all. The information gathered will be compiled into a series of reports that will be shared beginning in the Spring through June 2025.

If you have any questions about these sessions, please contact the Research & Accessibility Department at

Thank you for your continued partnership in helping us create safe and welcoming schools where every student feels a genuine sense of belonging.

Anti-Sex Trafficking Information Session on FebRUARY 20

Dear HDSB families,

The Halton District School Board, in collaboration with SAVIS of Halton and EFRY Hope and Help for Women, invites HDSB families and community members to an Anti-Sex Trafficking Information Session on Thursday, February 20, 2025. The session will be held from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at Georgetown District High School (70 Guelph Street, Georgetown). 

This session is being held in response to overwhelming participation in the joint Anti-Sex Trafficking information sessions held in February and June 2024 in Milton. This third session will be held in Halton Hills and will be identical in content to reach those in the community who were unable to attend the first two sessions. View a recap video from a previous session to learn more about the information and resources provided.

Those interested in attending can register online. This information session is open to all members of the community, and registration will remain open until the event reaches full capacity. Child minding will be provided at no cost for school-age children (Kindergarten to Grade 8). Overflow parking will be available next door at St. George's Anglican Church (60 Guelph Street, Georgetown).

The session will uncover the realities of sex trafficking and exploitation and provide insight into who is at risk, digital and cyber security considerations, warning signs and how to keep our children and youth safe. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from survivors of sex trafficking and representatives from Halton Regional Police Service, SAVIS of Halton and EFRY Hope and Help for Women. This event offers a unique opportunity to learn about the direct effects sex trafficking has on the individual and their community. 

We look forward to connecting with you at this important session. If you have any questions, please email

Gathering Student Voices on Homophobia and Transphobia

Dear HDSB secondary students,

The HDSB values student voice and is committed to creating safe, inclusive and welcoming learning environments for every student. To gather student insight into the HDSB’s response to incidents of homophobia and transphobia, we are conducting virtual focus groups with secondary students (Grade 9-12) in March. Information gathered through this research will help us to evaluate the effectiveness of current policies and tools in addressing incidents of homophobia and transphobia within HDSB schools.

Participation in the focus groups is voluntary. The focus areas of these sessions were chosen based on community voice/feedback and identified needs of the HDSB.

Students who are interested in participating can complete the Registration Form by Friday, January 31 by 4:00 p.m. Students will need to log in to their HDSB account to complete the Google Form. Students can choose one of two available sessions based on their preferred date:

These sessions will be facilitated by HDSB staff in the Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion Department, staff from the Research Department and community partners. Students requiring support will be connected with their school social worker and community organizations. 

When registering, students will be asked to provide an HDSB email account. Students will be emailed a link to a Google Meet for their selected focus group 24 hours before the session. 

The information gathered through these focus groups will help us fulfill our commitments to Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion, Mental Health and Well-Being and Kindness, Connection and Community, as outlined in the 2024-2028 Multi-Year Strategic Plan. The insights provided will be instrumental as we evaluate the effectiveness of current tools and strategies and identify areas for improvement to create safe and caring learning spaces for all. The information gathered will be compiled into a series of reports that will be shared beginning in the Spring through June 2025.

If you have any questions about these sessions, please contact the Research & Accessibility Department at

Thank you for your continued partnership in helping us create safe and welcoming schools where every student feels a genuine sense of belonging.