
Science   |   Technology   |   Engineering   |   Mathematics

In a world of continual change with evolving science, technology, engineering and innovation, we have the opportunity to develop global citizens who contribute to solving complex economic, social and environmental problems.

Program Overview

Students will contribute and thrive in a technologically intensive environment through interdisciplinary learning opportunities connecting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Learning in the classroom is paired with project-based learning and mentorship with the community and workplace.

Students develop innovation skills related to engineering design and design thinking, entrepreneurial thinking skills, and global competencies grounded in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Students learn to be prepared for technological change and disruption, globalization and shifting demographics.  

I-STEM Leads - Warren Hutton & Rebecca Rajcak

The I-STEM Program Information brochure is available here.

For more information about the I-STEM program offered at Aldershot, please reach out to one of our I-STEM Leads via this email address:


Visit the Board's website, or click here to see I-STEM at HDSB for more information.

I-STEM Conference

This school year saw the addition of a third High School I-STEM program to the Halton District School Board. In April 2024, for the first time, all the grade nine I-STEM students had a conference in Burlington. Clara Pesic has the details.